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Learn what you neither learnt at Law-Colleges
nor can you read in books

the concern

Employees' Provident Funds authorities have intensified their inspections and determination of moneys due from establishments in view of the recent judgment of Supreme Court holding that all allowances except House Rent would be considered wages for contributions.

Huge burdens have, thus, fallen on the establishments. But are you ready with your homework to clarify the frivolous enquiries and production of record i.e., books of account for the past period for eight years?

If not, you will have to pay heavy price towards contributions, damages and interest besides being subjected to harassments. Employers know it well that the authorities are vested with unbridled powers and even ones tick is good enough for them for beating the employers.

Many a times the plight of an employer is like that of a pigeon thrown to the hungry cats for prowling.


For determination of moneys due from the employers, the EPF authorities hold enquiry under section 7A of the Act, who are vested with the powers of the civil court. Since such proceedings are not held in the court complex therefore; competent lawyers avoid going at far off places for representation.

In the absence of good lawyers, the mantle falls on the legal/finance/accounts department to present the case of the establishment, who must be conversant with the provisions and procedures.

Considering above difficulties, the Labour Laws Institute has organised a Training Programme for the benefit of those working for or owning the establishments.

Eminent experts/advocates will equip the participants so that they can attend the proceedings independently and with confidence.


Rs.7670 (inc.18% GST) for Eeach participant from National Capital Region.

Rs. 5310 (Inc.18% GST) for Eeach participant coming from outside National Capital Region.

This programme is mainly for the subscribers of the Labour Law Reporter. Nonetheless, others can also avail this benefit subject to availability of seats. Hence, hurry up and get your reservations as such a galaxy of experts may not be able to join together.

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