About Labour Laws Institute
In the fast changing world you ought to learn what is beneficial and relevant for your professional success.
The Labour Laws Institute provides part-time practical training that can be more useful and remunerative than the courses offered under any MBA or LL.B curriculum. While you can spend lakhs of rupees in getting admission in a B-School, Labour Laws Institute gives you an option to spend 1/10th of that amount and yet stand a chance to shape up a bright career in Human Resource Management.
LLI facilitates highly informative, interactive and fact-based comprehensive self-study courses with emphasis on labour laws applicable in India and Indian industry. LLI’s certifications are acknowledged by all Industries, and Corporate Sectors. LLI’s courses are prepared and delivered by subject matter experts, including retired Commissioners of PF, ESI, Factories, Labour Courts, etc.
LLI’s practical courses on labour laws in India help the learners to elevate their careers to new heights. Deliberated by renowned experts and professional, the courses focus on practical training particularly on the compliance of labour laws. The Courses are strategically designed for busy executives and academicians so that they can pursue these courses without any career or study break.